MIN platform is a result of INNO-MOB project focusing on the opportunities that initiatives & networks offer to innovative and dynamic bussinesses through an inclusive mobility innovation European ecosystem bussiness support framework.
MIN platform incorporate a Stakeholder Chain Map Intelligent Platform (SCMIP) function that provides a holistic picture of the networks, initiatives and their offer. A search engine, offer-demand / marketplace space and communication exchange forum are incorporated too. The initiatives and networks are to offer their services through the platform with the aim to create more inclusive and diverse mobility ecosystems.
MIN members have possibilities of matching innovation partner by registering on our platform
Three simple steps:
1. Create Your Profile: Innovation actors both at demand and supply create detailed profiles, outlining their areas of expertise, and innovation focus.
2. Intelligent Pairing: Behind the scenes, our sophisticated algorithm diligently identifies compatible matches. We consider various factors, including industry specialization, innovation maturity, needs, and geographical proximity.
3. Facilitated Connections: Once a match is discovered, we take the reins in facilitating introductions and connections between paired actors. This marks the beginning of a potentially transformative collaboration.